(August 14, 2019) Zero emission aircraft could be fueled by hydrogen produced locally using renewable electricity. Airports have lots of open land where solar farms could collect electricity to fuel hydrogen electrolysis equipment, surely. That's the message by ZeroAvia, who is developing a fuel cell based drive train for medium size electric airplanes. Their test mule, pictured here, is a six passenger Piper M-Class aircraft. Clearly they intend to supply drive trains to existing airplane manufacturers. The selling point is lower fuel cost than using regular jetfuel. The founder, Val Miftakhov, previously launched Electric Motor Werks and in 2017 he sold that company to ENEL.
(August 6, 2019) The coming wave of robocars requires robotic charging systems it seems. All the automakers are planning autonomously driven cars, that require no human driver, to provide automated taxi services - kind of like Uber or Yellow Cab but without the driver. Such robotaxi's will need charging stations, and Stable looks to provide fast charging services for these robotaxi's. The first step is a pilot project in San Francisco.
(August 1, 2019) The coming wave of robocars requires robotic charging systems it seems. All the automakers are planning autonomously driven cars, that require no human driver, to provide automated taxi services - kind of like Uber or Yellow Cab but without the driver. Such robotaxi's will need charging stations, and Stable looks to provide fast charging services for these robotaxi's. The first step is a pilot project in San Francisco.